Health Insurance
The insurance industry has changed dramatically over the last several years. Healthcare reform alone represents the most drastic and impactful change, probably in the history of health insurance. Clients look to us for professional advice and guidance as they confront the daunting task of complying with the law and dealing with its potential consequences. Jill Jensen has been advising businesses and individual clients for almost two decades. Before joining our agency in 1996, Jill supervised claims center operations for Blue Shield. Since then, she has kept up with industry changes and has paid particular attention to Health Care Reform regulations as they have been rolled out in recent months. In addition, our partner, the Leavitt Group, has marshaled significant experience and made information readily available through special news alerts, emails, and online client seminars. We have access to compliance professionals who provide help and reassurance to our clients as the full impact of reform approaches in late 2013. To receive updates, visit news.leavitt.com/eb-compliance and sign up for our email alerts.