Additional Services
Fresno, Merced

Even if your company is small, you can still offer Group Health insurance.

Additional Services

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What You Need to Know About Additional Services

Human Resources

Our HR support center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere. As our client, the following is a list of services available to you:

  • Policy Library - Library of standard business policies.
  • State and Federal Laws - Written in easy to understand terms.
  • HR Forms - Library of business, state and federal forms.
  • 3-Minute HR Audit - Assess the effectiveness of your HR functions.
  • eAlerts - Instant notification for important law updates.
  • HR Checklists - Checklists to help organize business tasks.
  • Benefits - Coverage of core concepts and fundamentals regarding employee benefits.
  • HR Guides - Various guidelines providing helpful references in following particular business procedures.
  • Job Descriptions - Catalog to help hire and organize employees.
  • Q&A Database - Hundreds of questions already answered by HR Pros.
  • HR Best Practices - Monthly articles covering best practices.
  • Monthly Newsletter - Alerts and articles to stay current on HR topics.
  • Glossary of Terms - Easy to read definitions for key HR terms.
  • HR News and Updates - HR related news feeds and updates.
  • HRCast - Monthly podcasts covering HR best practices.
  • HR Resource Center - Resources for ordering posters, training materials and reference literature.
  • Quick Guides - Hot topics for employee solutions.

Loss Control

Running a business in today's demanding market is tough. As the owner of a business you are faced with daily challenges such as competition, profit margins, labor costs, and government regulations while trying to keep qualified employees and satisfied customers. The last things you need to worry about are unexpected situations and problems from losses that could have been prevented.

Loss Control is an organized and continuous effort to help decrease the possibility of unforeseen losses and the impact of those that do occur, whether from fires, electrical surges, burglary, or injuries.

Because costs can go way beyond dollars and cents, it is best to prepare for such circumstances before they happen. If someone is injured on your premises or property is damaged or stolen, you may wonder, "What happens now? How do I recover?" There may be investigations, meetings, and the completion of necessary paperwork. These situations can help you to understand just how important loss control is to your business.

Barlocker Insurance has loss control programs to assist you.

Claims Management

Claims adjusters are challenged by the timely receipt and assessment of the first notice of loss. They have a need to determine quickly the coverage of the claimant and to contact the parties to do an investigation of the claim. The possibility of a fraudulent claim must also be determined.

Because Barlocker Insurance has many insurance offices, the insurance claims management professionals have become familiar with local laws and regulations pertaining to their area of focus. This brings an added skill set to the insurance claims processing and management.

Safety Manual Development

Our safety manuals are developed by a highly qualified team of professionals. With all of the different sources on the internet claiming to provide customized safety manuals, it is hard to know which one to choose. Thankfully, Barlocker Insurance has a manual to help meet your company's needs.