Insuring Your Alcohol or Drug Treatment Center

Written by Amber Harper—Commercial Insurance Advisor

October 6, 2022 · 4 minute read

Blog Insuring Your Alcohol or Drug Treatment Center

According to a 2021 report by Vista Research Group, the number of people seeking treatment for addiction rose to a level 10-20% higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic. With alcohol and drug treatment centers increasing in demand, making sure you have the right insurance is essential.

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Please note: coverage cannot be bound or altered online. A service representative will need to contact you to finalize your request.

Importance of Insuring Your Treatment Center

Humans are unpredictable, and so are addiction and treatment. While you and your team need to believe in your patients, property damage and claims of malpractice or negligence can occur. Protecting your staff and care team is just as important as protecting those in your care. When your employees feel confident you're protecting them against malpractice or negligence claims, they'll feel more confident in their ability to do their job.

Step-By-Step Insurance Enrollment Process

At Leavitt Coastal Valley, we understand your treatment center has its own unique needs. Our specialist, Amber Harper, will sit down with you and take the time to understand your center, your people, and your mission. While we take a personalized approach to insurance, we also offer a nationwide network of insurance specialists. We have offices in 26 states. No matter where you are located, our network will help you find the right insurance coverage. In addition, Amber will be with you through every step of the process to ensure a seamless enrollment from start to finish.

#1 Risk Identification

The first step of the enrollment process is risk identification. Our intake team asks specific questions to understand your treatment center. During this initial phone call, we may ask questions such as:
  • How do you handle administration?
  • Tell us about your intake process.
  • Do you ask about suicide risk? Why or why not?
  • What medications do you disperse?
  • How many patients can you serve at a time?

#2 Risk Analysis

After your initial phone call, our insurance team analyzes your answers to determine your risk level and assess the areas where your center, employees, and patients may be vulnerable. With mental health and addiction treatment, we'll focus on your malpractice and negligence claims risk. Some of the insurance companies we work with may require you to conduct a background check on all your employees and volunteers to see if they have any criminal history or if any claims were filed against them by former patients.

#3 Risk Control

Once our team identifies areas where your center is vulnerable, we'll start creating a personalized insurance plan for your mental health or addiction treatment center. With our access to comprehensive business insurance plans, your coverage may include a combination of three main types of insurance:
  1. Property:Covers physical damage to your treatment center due to risks such as fire, explosion, theft, or vandalism.
  2. General Liability: Covers bodily injury or property damage to others during your daily business operations.
  3. Professional Liability: Covers malpractice and negligence claims filed by patients or their families.
Your treatment center may also need other types of insurance, including workers compensation, auto, and more. Amber will discuss the options with you to ensure your insurance plan meets your needs.

#4 Underwriting

Underwriters are a key part of the enrollment process. They evaluate your center's risk and establish pricing for your insurance. At Leavitt Central Coast Insurance, our team takes a personal interest in your business. We work to present a complete submission of your business risk to the underwriters at our various insurance partners. Doing this allows us to help negotiate competitive pricing for your coverage.

#5 Risk Financing

We get it – insurance can be expensive. However, being able to protect your employees and your facility while providing high-quality care for your patients is worth it. Amber will work with you to find affordable insurance options without raising your risk or leaving you vulnerable. We offer a number of payment plans with our insurance partners to help ease your financial concerns.

#6 Administration

When you choose Amber as your insurance broker, our relationship doesn't stop once you sign up for your insurance plan. We will continue to monitor your alcohol and drug treatment center and evaluate your risks and needs. Your needs and risks may change over time, and your insurance plan should evolve with your changing needs. If your insurance plan no longer works for your program, we will facilitate the transition process and find a plan that fits your needs. Since we already understand your program's risks, this should be a simple process. Drug and alcohol treatment centers have specific needs and risks that are different from those of other businesses. Choosing experienced and qualified specialists, like Amber, who understand both insurance and the needs of mental health centers, is essential to ensure your insurance plan offers optimal coverage. At Leavitt, we handpick your team, matching you with professionals who understand your business and the risks you face. As one of the largest privately held insurance brokerages in the nation and with a background in insuring treatment facilities, we understand the importance of putting your patients first. Our team of qualified brokers makes the enrollment process a breeze, giving you peace of mind knowing your employees and business are protected so you can do what matters most: helping your patients realize the hope of treatment and recovery. We do everything from determining your clinic's risk to finding the right insurance coverage for you. Alcohol and drug treatment is important work – and protecting your facility, patients, and employees is just as important. If you want to learn more about the insurance enrollment process or have a question about insuring your alcohol or drug treatment center, Leavitt Coastal Valley is here to help. To learn more about the types of professional insurance we offer or to get a personalized quote, call (805) 925-8607.