2024 Hurricane Preparation Guide

June 4, 2024 · 5 minute read · Commercial Lines, · Personal Lines · Houston, TX

Blog 2024 Hurricane Preparation Guide

Texas hurricane season is June 1st to November 30th. This guide includes links to helpful resources and an outline of actions you should take before, during, and after a hurricane.

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As hurricane season approaches, it's crucial to be proactive in preparing for potential storms. This guide provides essential tips to help you stay ready, know your resources, and take appropriate actions before, during, and after a hurricane. Whether you're a long-time resident of a hurricane-prone area or new to such regions, these preparations can make a significant difference in ensuring your safety and minimizing damage to your property.

Stay Ready

  • Prepare an emergency kit and keep it up to date. For ideas on what to include, visit ready.gov/kit.
  • Stock up on items such as bottled water, canned goods, manual can/bottle opener, flashlights, battery-operated radio, nails, tarps, and plywood. You should have at least a three-day’s supply of food and water.
  • Plan evacuation routes and designate a “post-disaster contact person” who family members know to call once the storm is over.
  • Trim your trees and shrubs to minimize damage. Clear your rain gutters.
  • Inspect and make needed repairs to your roof, siding, and foundation.
  • Keep an up-to-date log of all your possessions with photographs and videos. Review your home insurance policy.
  • Place your insurance documents and other important paperwork in a safe, waterproof, easy-to-access location.

Know Your Resources

There are many sites that provide information and guidance to help you stay informed, prepared, and protected.

When a Hurricane Threatens

  • Cover windows with hurricane shutters or 5/8" plywood, cut to fit your windows.
  • Secure outdoor furniture.
  • Park your car in a garage or next to a building.
  • Make sure you have three gallons of water per family member.
  • Refill your prescriptions, fill up your car with gas, and withdraw a week’s worth of cash since power outages may interrupt these services temporarily.
  • Be sure your mobile phone is charged.
  • Fill sinks, tubs, and other containers with water.
  • If you live in a trailer home and are told to evacuate, do so immediately.

During a Hurricane

  • Listen to your battery-operated radio for instructions from the local authorities on evacuation and safety guidelines.
  • Seek shelter in an interior room away from windows, such as a closet. If you hear the winds subside, do not assume the storm is over. The calm may be the eye of the storm, in which the worst part is yet to come.
  • If the electricity goes out, use a flashlight to see; do not use candles.

After a Hurricane

  • When inspecting your home for damage, wear sturdy shoes and clothing as protection.
  • Contact a trained expert to turn off damaged utilities and appliances instead of trying to do it yourself.
  • Drink only bottled water until tap water is deemed safe.

Be Prepared for a Flood

Ninety percent of natural disasters within the United States involve flooding. Standard homeowners and renters insurance policies do not cover flooding! Since flooding can occur anywhere it rains, every homeowner, and renter, should seriously consider purchasing a flood insurance policy.

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