Pasture Rangeland Forage Insurance

Unpredictable weather has always been a challenge for the ranching operations.

PRF insurance provides the stability you need to protect your grazing and haying acres.

Pasture Rangeland Forage Insurance

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What You Need to Know About Pasture Rangeland Forage Insurance

Unpredictable weather has always been a challenge for the ranching operations. But dry weather doesn’t have to be devastating any more. Pasture Rangeland Forage (PRF) insurance can protect your operation from the uncertainty of the weather and lack of rain.

Here's how it works

The historical rainfall index is tracked by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at approved weather stations across the country. You select a minimum of four months that you want to insure. These months are broken up into two separate blocks of time. If the geographic area designated to your operation receives less than 90% of the historical rainfall average, in one of the two month periods that you’ve selected to insure, you get paid.

The PRF insurance program is subsidized by the government. There are no upfront costs. And premiums are due in September of the insurance year.

With PRF insurance, lack of rain doesn’t have to drain out your pocketbooks too. PRF insurance provides the stability you need to protect your grazing and haying acres.